PFA employs a phased approach to measure and manage Uncompensated Portfolio Risk with advisers, investors, fiduciaries, boards, etc. to obtain increased returns, reduced volatility and compliance with prudent diversification standards.
STAGE I – MEASURE: A NO-COST private/online platform you access that passes your portfolio through a trailing one-year period of screening tests to identify hidden diversification problems. You sign on, enter symbols & % of total, print results, sign-off, and your information is erased. (NO-COST – GO TO THIS LINK TO CONNECT)
STAGE II– MANAGE: An On-Line Comprehensive in-depth analysis of your various portfolios’ diversification performances during a trailing 1-year period that identifies the “bad apple assets” that have overpowered UNCOMPENSATED RISK removal efforts. This analysis identifies modification options that, if made, would have prudently increased returns and reduced volatility while satisfying the compliant level of UNCOMPENSATED RISK reduction. You utilize our algorithms to compare to an optimized portfolio. You can edit your portfolio, toggle numerous scenarios, make further edits and see how you might have and still could make modifications to your advantage ($300/mo. or $175/mo. paid quarterly).
STAGE III – FORWARD LOOKING: MANAGING, MONITORING, MEASURING UNCOMPENSATED RISK: The Stage II Platform is updated with access to include our forward looking algorithms that contain timely changes in volatility, co-variances, and Sharpe Ratio momentum. With the assistance of our patented forward looking algorithms PFA experts guide you and your adviser through our proprietary process maximizing UNCOMPENSATED RISK reduction without materially affecting your portfolio’s asset allocation expected Market Risk returns. PFA can provide a written opinion once a procedural process has been established and implemented which states that UNCOMPENSATED RISK is prudently and reasonably reduced and that an ongoing plan is in place to prudently manage on-going UNCOMPENSATED RISK. (ADD-ON FEES ARE AFFORDABLE including an assigned PFA specialist; fees quoted are based on the number of users. In-house licenses are available*).
OTHER SERVICES – *Once in place and operating effectively and efficiently the client may want to bring the UNCOMPENSATED RISK process in-house which can be arranged through a licensing process which includes on-going training and assistance by PFA. In addition, PFA also offers customized Fiduciary Compliance Consultation on an hourly basis in 15 minute intervals.
NOTE: PFA, Ben and Stewart are not Registered Investment Advisers. Stewart Frank CPA/PFS AIFA has been a CPA for 56 years, and is a nationally recognized Subject Matter Expert in the area of Investment Fiduciary Compliance and as Special Consultant to the AICPA Personal Financial Planning Fiduciary Task Force. Ben Vernazza CPA/PFS TEP emeritus has been a CPA for 58 years an RIA for 40 years serving on many AICPA and ABA Committees: investments, asset protection, etc.